Finish clipping hedges as soon as possible to ensure neatness for a longer time.
Prune shrub roses and ramblers by removing some of the shoots that have flowered.
The lower branches of garden trees can be pruned to allow light to reach plants underneath.
Watering and Fertilizing
Water camellias in pots to ensure they stay hydrated.
Roses that were pruned after flowering and given some rose fertilizer may display a new crop of late buds and flowers.
Planting and Replanting
Make preparations for late autumn tree planting by controlling existing grass and weeds with a suitable herbicide.
Evergreen shrubs can be moved in September if they need more space.
Plant bare-root or rootballed trees, shrubs, and roses in good weather conditions.
Weed and Pest Control
Control grass and weeds in areas designated for planting in the autumn.
If bindweed is a problem in shrub areas, untangle stems and place them on the soil surface for spraying with a suitable herbicide, being careful not to spray the shrubs.
Tree and Shrub Support
Check that young trees are securely tied to stakes before autumn gales and winter weather.
Ensure tall shrubs that can be rocked by wind are properly supported.