This winter, I embarked on an ambitious task: to remove an overgrown, ivy-riddled hedge bordering the bank of a stream in my garden. After several weeks, the once unsightly corner has been transformed into a blank canvas, revealing the stream and an old Ilex Aquifolium, or Holly tree.
Now, I’m exploring planting options to enhance this newly exposed section of my garden. Considering the mature Exochorda and Laburnum across the stream, I’m thinking of adding Jasminum and lots of Iris to create a colorful, natural feature.
The autumn planting from last year has successfully added the desired color to the garden. A whimsical touch has been added with a green man hiding in a Holly bush, observing the garden’s evolution. The bluebells have been exceptionally beautiful this year.
Despite the ongoing challenges of finding the right spots for several Salvia still waiting in their pots, the transformation so far has been quite rewarding. Gardening is indeed a journey, filled with creativity, patience, and constant learning.