Spring is finally here, and it’s time to bring your garden to life! The latest issue of The Irish Garden is packed with expert tips, stunning planting ideas, and seasonal inspiration to help you make the most of longer days and brighter blooms.
Inside The Irish Garden
A POET’S GARDEN – Shirley Lanigan visits poet Mark Roper’s garden in Co. Kilkenny packed with spring treasures
WOODLAND JEWELS – Maurice Parkinson of Ballyrobert Nursery in Co. Antrim sings the praises of wood anemones and explains why he is captivated by their demure but brilliant beauty
DAFFODIL FEVER – Conrad McCormick fears he has succumbed to yellow fever as he discusses his growing obsession with daffodils in his garden on the north Antrim coast
COMING INTO BLOOM – Recent years have seen the development of a vibrant community of people in Ireland who grow cut flowers and foliage as a commercial venture and David Maxwell, presenter of Gardeners’ Corner on BBC Radio Ulster, explores the rise of small flower farms that are providing an often more eclectic range of fresh flowers and without the air miles
BURST OF SPRING – spring is editor Mary Keenan’s favourite season as the garden bursts into life again with fresh growth and flowering – she spotlights a selection of bulbs, perennials and shrubs to bring springtime verve into your garden
UNDERSTAND YOUR SOIL – Whether you are new to gardening or an experienced gardener, understanding your soil is the foundation of gardening success and says Niall McCauley as he explains some simple ways to analyse and get to know your soil
TIP TOE THROUGH THE TULIPS – it’s tulip time in June Blake’s garden in Co. Wicklow as she gets her garden ready for a new season of visitors
WHAT TO DO NOW – 15 pages of expert advice from The Irish Garden team of gardening experts and experienced gardeners – Rosie Maye describes her approach to making a new border and how to prune hydrangeas, Rachel Darlington shares her advice on growing annuals, Seamus O’Donnell discusses the use of earth mounding to provide protection from coastal gales in his Co. Donegal garden and Conall O’Caoimh and Nuala Doherty explain how to display container grown plants for best effect
GROW YOUR OWN – If you fancy the taste of fresh, homegrown potatoes, Kitty Scully outlines how easy it is to grow your own, Colm O’Driscoll shares his technique for supporting his crop of peas, Klaus Laitenberger is sowing seeds of shallots and planting Jerusalem artichokes while Tanguy de Toulgoët discusses a hardy Irish variety of cabbage and explains how he is growing a peach tree in his polytunnel
ARTFUL ANNUALS – Fast flowers to sow now for vibrant summer colour at little cost – Conall O’Caoimh and Nuala Doherty of Ardán Garden in Co. Dublin reveal some of their tried and tested favourites
A LIFE WITH PLANTS – Shirley Lanigan talks with Gert Stam of well-known Caherhurley Nursery in Co. Clare as he prepares to turn a new page in his life
SEASIDE HARMONY – If you’re looking for design inspiration to develop or revamp a small garden, particularly one in a seaside location exposed to the challenges of wind and salt, take a look at Shane Murphy of Lavender Landscapes garden design solution for a contemporary coastal garden near Aghada in Co. Cork
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting your journey, this edition has something for everyone. Get your copy today and take your garden to the next level! Subscribe today.