Sow seeds of tomatoes, sweet peppers, and chili peppers for greenhouse growing without delay.
Plant out greenhouse tomato plants when they are ready.
Sow sweet corn and runner bean seeds in the next two weeks for planting out at the end of May.
Cucumbers can be sown now, or earlier, or later, but mostly from now in greenhouses that have no artificial form of heat.
Feeding and Watering
Feed and water heavily all greenhouse and house plants, repeating every week or two weeks to boost fast growth.
Feed greenhouse plants and house plants strongly to move them into rapid growth as the weather warms up and higher temperatures are reached in the greenhouse.
Begonias, Cannas, and Dahlia Preparation
Start off begonias and dahlias in pots of compost.
Pot up begonia tubers and canna roots for summer display in the greenhouse or conservatory.
Pest Control and Maintenance
Check all greenhouse and house plants for pests like greenflies, scale insects, and other pests, especially on the tips of new growth.
Tidy out all rubbish and begin to prick out flowers and vegetables sown earlier for eventual planting outside.
Re-potting House Plants
Re-pot house plants that are pot-bound and falling over.
Re-pot old house plants that have become tired and pot-bound.
Pollination Tips
Tap the flowers of a peach tree to release pollen or use a fine brush.