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Planting and Transplanting
- Plant out bedding plants in the coming two weeks, depending on the weather.
- Dahlias and gladiolus corms can be planted out where they are to flower.
- Sow seeds of hardy annual flowers, such as nasturtiums, for late summer color.
- Lift and move spring bulbs, like daffodils and snowdrops, while their green foliage is still present.
- Plant perennial flowers from pots or move them if necessary, making sure to water them well afterwards.
Caring for Bedding Plants
- Prepare the ground for bedding plants by digging, removing old plants, and adding well-rotted compost.
- Water young plants immediately after planting and every few days until they are actively growing, unless there is heavy rain.
- Apply a liquid feed to encourage rapid establishment of bedding plants.
- Hoe weed seedlings when they are small to prevent them from taking hold.
Container Gardening
- Plant up containers and baskets of summer bedding flowers, such as petunias and verbenas.
Pest Control
- Watch for slug and snail damage, particularly on susceptible plants like hostas, rodgersias, and ligularias.
- Monitor newly planted bedding plants for slug and snail damage and water shortage.
Staking and Maintenance
- Stake perennial flowers that need support well in advance, especially in windy gardens.
- Allow spring bulb foliage to die back naturally to feed the bulb for next year’s flowers.
- Run a hoe over the ground 10 days to two weeks after planting to knock out weed seedlings, and continue hoeing weekly until plants are well grown.
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