Potting and Planting
- Pot up begonias, petunias, bedding busy lizzies, and bedding begonias for greenhouse and indoor decoration later.
- Plant melon, cucumber, tomato, chili, aubergine, and sweet pepper plants in the greenhouse.
- Re-pot houseplants.
Feeding and Watering
- Feed all bedding plants and tender vegetables for planting out at the end of May, and ensure they have adequate space for proper development.
- Feed greenhouse plants strongly and water them well to encourage rapid growth.
- Damp down the greenhouse to maintain humidity.
- Reduce watering for tomato plants as they set their first truss of fruit.
Pest and Disease Control
- Check for greenflies, which can build up rapidly.
- Spray grapevines with a rose spray if they had mildew disease last year.
- Thin out peach fruits if there is a heavy set, leaving one fruit per 20cm of branch.
Grapevine Management
- Remove excess shoots of grapevines every couple of weeks to keep them under control.
- Tie in new shoots needed for extension growth.
By providing proper care, feeding, and pest management, you can ensure a thriving indoor garden with lush, healthy greenhouse and house plants.